Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Sole Witness

There was a sickening CRACK! as I found myself on the ground, shaking. I hurried outside with my mother- being careful to shut the door so as my elderly canine friend wouldn't be hurt- and managed to catch the last bit of a horrific scene:
After a clean break off of a tree, a telescopic branch pummeled to the icy gravel walkway, and I saw something scrabbling to retreat in time to catch the wood of the original stalk. His claw stuck to the rough outer layer of bark, and he was pulled down with the branch. I begged with all of my entire SOUL for him to be okay, but it was not to be. As much as I dreaded the sight, I managed to drag my feet over in time to see his eyes wide open in fear, his last tear in this world trickling down his face.
And thus he died.
He is still out there, in this frozen downpour of cruelty. There is nothing to do.

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