Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Real Thing

Things. What is a thing? Is the definition "something existent", or might it be a little more refined? People call other 'things' "The real 'thing'". Aren't all 'things' real, or is my life as large of a misconception as yours?
I used to think I knew everything. Heck, my 5th grade advertised contribution to the class Yellow Pages (sorry we ripped you off, guys) read: "Need help in math? Come to me! I can do almost any math problem." Ha! Three years later, and I still don't come even close to close to my little boast. Did that sound poetic?
Okay, so I'm good in my classes, and I do a bang-up job (whatever that means) at music, if I do say so myself (which, obviously, I do). I'm just alright at acting. And MAN, do I suck at art! So maybe I don't know everything. But I do know something, and some Edward something-or-other, if that was even his name, once said, "I cannot do everything, but still I can do something, and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something I can do."


Unknown said...

That was actually me who posted that, not Deidra. Sorry, guys!

Anonymous said...

What you speak of, my young, philosopher, is compelling. Besides the exhistance of God, The definitions of self and reality may be the most contested topics of all time. What is real to you, I have found, is real indeed: science and religion are perscriptive- attempts to explain what we know is true. So who you are and what you see are as valid as any other belief or theory :)

Anonymous said...

You still blogging?

Unknown said...

:) love you Dad. And yes, I am indeed still blogging!